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Our palo santo is sustainably harvested in Peru and large enough to split into narrower sticks.


Unlike many other smudging materials, palo santo is fragrant in it's raw form and does not necessarily need to be burned for you to enjoy the sweet, woodsy scent.


White prairie sage is both antimicrobial and antibacterial and have shown to repel insects.

Selenite is a calming stone that instils deep peace and is excellent for meditation.



Smudge Bundle - Palo Santo, Selenite, White Sage

Excluding Sales Tax
Out of Stock
  • Each bundle includes:

    • 1 organic white sage bundle (approx. 4")
    • 1 piece of sustainably harvested Peruvian Palo Santo (approx. 4")
    • 1 Selenite wand (approx. 4")


    How to Use: 

    • Before beginning, remember to open a door or window as the unwanted energy you are trying to clear must have a pathway out.

    • Prep for the burning. Find a shell or small fireproof dish and sit it nearby so you have it ready to catch the ashes. If possible fill the dish with sand to help put out the flame when you're done.

    • Before you start, take some time to contemplate what your wishes are for your home, self and family. You want to meditate on your intentions during the smudging ritual.

    • Once you're ready to light your smudge stick, grab it as far from the end you are burning as possible. Hold it at a 45-degree angle, light the smudge stick using a candle flame or lighter. Let it burn for about 30 seconds to a minute and then gently blow out the flame so that you see orange embers on one end. Then you can start the process of clearing your space.

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